I have a Text2D in a Rectangle2D, I change the text every 200ms but it does not refresh on the screen. Although when looking at the text property it changes properly. The text refreshes only if I set its levelVisible property on and off at each tic.
I do not have this problem in the playground so I am not sure what is going on.
state.tic = function () {
const text = newText() // this works
state.tooltipPause.text.text = text
// setting the parent rectangle2d levelVisible
// is the only way i have found to refresh the view
state.tooltipPause.box.levelVisible = true
// delay is simply a promise that will resolve in 200ms
delay(200).then(() => {
state.tooltipPause.box.levelVisible = false
Just sharing the little hack I found, in case someone else has the same problem