Hi everyone,
I need your help a new time...
I updated my BabylonJs version from 2.2 to 3.1.1 and I have a problem with an import skeleton :
here the code calls which is very basically :
function importSquelette(nomSkelAtelier, chemVersFichierSkelAtelier, nomFichierSkelAtelier, laScene)
BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh(nomSkelAtelier, chemVersFichierSkelAtelier, nomFichierSkelAtelier, laScene,
function (newMeshesSkel, particleSystems, skeletons)
var dude = newMeshesSkel[0];
//dude.rotation.y = Math.PI;
dude.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, 10);
parameters values :
- nomSkelAtelier = 'Armature_Striker_AZ_9'
- chemVersFichierSkelAtelier = '../Scripts/Bll_IFC/Mesh/MeshSkelette/'
- nomFichierSkelAtelier = 'Striker_AZ_9.babylon'
- lascene = the scene loaded before
I specify that the scene.babylon file and the skeleton.babylon file aren't in the same folder.
And here the consol log when i click to the button which call the import skeleton function:
How can I fix it ? I try to finish a game fight robot and import skeleton is the main part of the game ....
Thanks !