Dear Developers,
i have the following Error after updating from 3.2.0 BayblonJS to 3.3.0:
ERROR in node_modules/babylonjs/babylon.d.ts(8665,5): error TS2717: Subsequent property declarations must have the same type. Property 'leftBounds' must be of type 'number[]', but
here has type 'Float32Array | number[]'.
node_modules/babylonjs/babylon.d.ts(8666,5): error TS2717: Subsequent property declarations must have the same type. Property 'rightBounds' must be of type 'number[]', but here has type 'Float32Array | number[]'.
I have no idea to fix that, seems it is a error in the type definition?
Link to the project:
Ok downgrade to 3.2.0 also doesn't work... don't know how this compiled before...