In this tutorial when we click on the eye to see the demo PG, there is a small problem that I do not know how to explain.
However, it works if you click "Demo"
In this tutorial when we click on the eye to see the demo PG, there is a small problem that I do not know how to explain.
However, it works if you click "Demo"
When I try to use "Get .zip" button in the Playground I the dialog to save the file does not appear when using it with code that is using Canvas2D.
In Screenshot from 2016-12-12 10-31-21.png you can see in the lower left corner it says "Creating archive...Please wait".
If I comment out the call to create(scene) as can be seen in Screenshot from 2016-12-12 10-33-15.png you can see the I'm allowed to save the zip file.
I've only seen this on projects using Canvas2D but maybe its unrelated to Canvas2D.
-- Wink
Tried to create minimal example, shadow generated looks wrong, also if you rotate it around you can see weirdness in the shadow
Also, the position where the spot is illuminating is very close to the camera position, I think the shadow should be cast behind the object but looks like is being cast in front of it?
Tried also similar scene when the light is not parented by the camera and also got some shadow weird artifacts, doesn't look like the parent relationship has to do with the weirdness
Any idea how to get the shadow properly?
Did we change the Debug Layer to the ne Debug Layer the BabylonJS guys have been working on... If so... Has the API changed to test for visible and showing the debug layer... If not... i now all of sudden get an error when trying to bring up the debug layer (using latest dist preview release)... No message ... just a yellow exclamation sign.
Any body else getting this with latest list preview (12/8/16) ???
serialize will use the origin id.
newMat = mat.clone(newName) can't work.
need set newMat.id = newName.
There is the dead link here on the word "animations". This is the correct link
I found two issues regarding the HightlightLayer:
1: The implementation of the HightlightLayer is using Mesh.id to manage the meshes internally. This is a problem because the id may not be unique (as default its the same as Mesh.name). In my projects i usally don't care about the id or the name and that makes it difficult for me to use the HightlightLayer.
Here is a Playground to show the problem: http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#2IIVG2#0
Box2 should not be red but it is because both boxes have the same name. Maybe the implementation should be changed to use Mesh.uniqueId instead of Mesh.id.
2: The HightlightLayer can't be used in combination with renderingGroups.
Here a playground: http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#2IIVG2#1
The highlight of box1 is not rendered correctly because box2 uses renderingGroupId 1 (line 15).
I found a bug on its two material:
QuoteUncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'maxSimultaneousLights' of undefined(…)
babylon.lavaMaterial.min.js:1 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'isReady' of undefined(…)
NormalMaterial: http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#22VQKB
LavaMaterial: http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#1BLVWO
Hi there,
Please see the test case: http://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#1YGHUR#0
There are 11 red spheres, the first(nearest) one is made by 'BABYLON.Mesh.CreateSphere', and the rest 10 are instancedMeshes.
At Line 27: the material.freeze() is called.
PROBLEM: Drag the camera to make all the 10 instancedMeshes get out of the view, then you'll see the ground suddenly gets disappeared.
If comment the line 27 ( do not call material.freeze() ), then this problem NOT happen.
Tested Environment: Chrome 55, MacOS 10.12.1
Also tested on windows chrome and mac safari, not found this problem. So it looks a mac chrome only problem.
Chrome is returning the following error message Cannot read property 'getExtension' of null which results in Babylon.js not being loaded.
Chrome has recently updated itself (Grrrr) on my machine and I am getting the error message as a result. This error was not fired before the update. I have tried the code in Firefox, IE and a new browser 'Slimjet' (which is based on and built from Chromium) and do not get the error.
Is it a Chrome thing or something you tech guys need to know about. The Chrome version is 55.0.2883.87 m (64-bit) on Windows10.
Richard C
I think I may have found a bug with the MergeMeshes function , if all meshes share the same material but one mesh in the array of meshes you want to merge has vertex color data , it produces a webgl error and results in the merged mesh being created but not being displayed.
Looks like engine.resize() broke with the last release
scene doesnot resize properly
Hi guys, I'm not sure that is a bug, but I don't know where I can ask it, on github I did not find the section with issues, sorry
In previously version of the babylon, it seems it was version 2.5 - alpha, I used function beginAnimation and parameter OnAnimEnd.
I have an animation of the fire from gun (30 frames). Always when I run the animation of the fire, I passed a parameter OnAnimEnd = function() { console.log("anim end") }, then I very fast clicked the button for the fire and all parameters functions OnAnimEnd called at different times one by one as it should be.
But in new version of babylon - 2.5. I don't changed my code, just updated version of babylon. All functions OnAnimEnd calls at the same time. If I click fire and animation started, then I do not wait for anomation end and clicked fire again and immediately I get console.log("anim end") twice, and after that second animation of fire yet playing and when this animation will end, function OnAnimEnd already been in past. I hope my English not very difficult to anderstand
I'm using Unity 5.5.0 f3 and I have many bugs with the exporter.
#1 : backed lightmap :
- I have started a new scene with a plan, box, directional light and a camera.
- My light use backed light only
- My meshes use static lightmap
- one standard material for my objects with a texture
- In the exporter window I have checked "export lightmap", synchronous backing enabled, embed shader files.
==> but all my objects are black in the babylonjs preview when I use backed light.
#2 : objects export :
- I have tested with this model : https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/61925
and when I export I have this message :
FileNotFoundException: Resources/unity_builtin_extra does not exist
System.IO.File.Copy (System.String sourceFileName, System.String destFileName, Boolean overwrite) (at /Users/builduser/buildslave/mono/build/mcs/class/corlib/System.IO/File.cs:107)
BabylonExport.Entities.BabylonScene.AddTexture (System.String texture)
Unity3D2Babylon.SceneBuilder.CopyTexture (System.String texturePath, UnityEngine.Texture2D texture2D, BabylonExport.Entities.BabylonTexture babylonTexture, Boolean isLightmap) (at Assets/Babylon/Source/SceneBuilder.Materials.cs:274)
Unity3D2Babylon.SceneBuilder.DumpTexture (UnityEngine.Texture texture, UnityEngine.Material material, System.String name, Boolean isLightmap) (at Assets/Babylon/Source/SceneBuilder.Materials.cs:1060)
Unity3D2Babylon.SceneBuilder.DumpTextureFromMaterial (UnityEngine.Material material, System.String name) (at Assets/Babylon/Source/SceneBuilder.Materials.cs:1032)
Unity3D2Babylon.SceneBuilder.DumpPBRMaterial (UnityEngine.Material material, Int32 lightmapIndex, Vector4 lightmapScaleOffset, Boolean metallic, Int32 lightmapCoordIndex) (at Assets/Babylon/Source/SceneBuilder.Materials.cs:480)
Unity3D2Babylon.SceneBuilder.DumpMaterial (UnityEngine.Material material, Int32 lightmapIndex, Vector4 lightmapScaleOffset, Int32 lightmapCoordIndex) (at Assets/Babylon/Source/SceneBuilder.Materials.cs:304)
Unity3D2Babylon.SceneBuilder.ConvertUnityMeshToBabylon (UnityEngine.Mesh mesh, UnityEngine.Transform transform, UnityEngine.GameObject gameObject, Single progress, UnityEditor.UnityMetaData& metaData, System.Collections.Generic.List`1& particleSystems, System.Collections.Generic.List`1& lensFlares, System.String& componentTags, BabylonExport.Entities.BabylonMesh collisionMesh, UnityEngine.Collider collider) (at Assets/Babylon/Source/SceneBuilder.Meshes.cs:345)
Unity3D2Babylon.SceneBuilder.ConvertFromUnity () (at Assets/Babylon/Source/SceneBuilder.cs:597)
Unity3D2Babylon.SceneBuilder:ConvertFromUnity() (at Assets/Babylon/Source/SceneBuilder.cs:806)
Unity3D2Babylon.ExporterWindow:Export(Boolean) (at Assets/Babylon/Source/ExporterWindow.cs:736)
Unity3D2Babylon.ExporterWindow:OnGUI() (at Assets/Babylon/Source/ExporterWindow.cs:573)
I have the latest version of today, I have updated the plugin to 2.5 version.
Can you help me to understand please ?
Best regards,
See attached playground for proof.
There's a bug in picking mesh in imported 3D scene
I noticed picking doesnt work correctly when using an orthographic camera.
I could reproduce the problem modifying your samples on playground:
Result is always false: {hit: false, distance: 0, pickedPoint: null, pickedMesh: null, bu: 0…}
Is this supposed to work, or do i need to use a different method for ortho projection?
Reporting bug regarding instances and their parents not being rendered when HighlightLayer is used.
Ping @Sebavan